Immigrants in Iowa are feeling scared and confused because of a new law. The law says police can arrest some undocumented immigrants and judges can order them to leave the country.

This has made Maria Acosta, who helps immigrants, feel powerless and upset. She doesn’t know how to help them.

Enya Cid, a student in Iowa, is leaving because of the new law. She doesn’t feel safe there anymore.

Even though she’s applied for legal residency, she worries about being targeted. She’s going to study in another state where she feels safer.

The new law in Iowa is similar to laws in other states. Most of these states have governments controlled by Republicans.

They are far from the border with Mexico. The governor of Iowa says the law is needed because the federal government isn’t doing enough to control immigration.

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The law is making many immigrants and their families worried. They don’t know what will happen next.

Some are thinking about leaving Iowa, but not everyone can do that. They have built their lives there.

Overall, the new law is causing a lot of fear and confusion among immigrants in Iowa.

Source: CNN

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