Starting in April, the cost for some legal immigration applications in the United States increased for the first time in over seven years. This could make it even more tempting for people to enter the country illegally.

Lora Ries, who directs the Heritage Foundation’s Border Security and Immigration Center, explained that if it’s cheaper and easier to come to the US illegally rather than legally, many people will choose the illegal route.

The US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) increased fees for things like work permits and becoming a permanent resident.

They say the extra money will help them process applications faster and deal with a backlog of cases.

However, Ries believes the problem lies in how the system treats legal immigrants and taxpayers.

She says taxpayers shouldn’t have to foot the bill for processing asylum claims from people who crossed the border illegally.

She also pointed out that while fees for legal applications have gone up, the fee to apply for asylum remains at zero.

This, combined with efforts by the Biden administration to speed up the process for getting work permits, might encourage more people to try entering the country illegally.

Some fees have increased by almost $1,000, like the one for nonimmigrant workers, while others have seen smaller increases. Applying online offers discounts, and a few fees have even gone down slightly.

Overall, Ries believes these changes might encourage more people to seek illegal entry into the US because it’s seen as a cheaper option.

Source: Fox News

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